Watch Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford Swear in a Jamaican Accent

If you’ve been following Rob Ford over the last year or so. You’ll know that (a) He denied smoking crack (b) There was alleged footage of him smoking crack (c) That footage was going to be sold to Gawker via a Indiegogo fundraising campaign (d) The chief of police claimed they had seized the footage and it is in fact real (e) Rob Ford admitted to smoking crack (f) Rob Ford loves to drink and now (g) Rob Ford has a pretty good Jamaican accent (for a lily white Canadian politician).

Here’s footage of Rob Ford, drunk in a seedy after hours restaurant talking bad about the police chief and dropping a bunch of “rassclots” and “bumbaclots” and “chas” along the way.

For people that didn’t grow up in Toronto or are from the Caribbean, here’s a translation.
