Watch The Throne Concert Review

Watch The Throne concert

Kanye “Jesus” West and Free Lap Dances from Sophia Varga
When I heard Jay-Z and Kanye West we’re doing a tour, I marked down the date tickets we’re going on sale and waited with baited breath. The second tickets went on sale, I fired up Crome ready to buy tickets and what do I see, all the tickets I could actually afford we’re sold out. There was like two $700 tickets left. I was like damn I love Yeezy and Hov but these guys are charging some ridiculous prices and besides all the tickets we’re gone.

A day before the concert, I just happened to ask my “friend”, “hey you going to Watch The Throne?” and he’s like “Hell yeah I got 4 tickets”. And I’m like “for who?” He’s like “for whoever”. I started to go into shock inside, but on the outside I played it cool. “How much?” I casually asked. “I got a ticket for $87”. I could have died right then and their a happy man. Considering I saw Jay-Z perform for $67 last time (Blueprint 3 Tour) and snuck my way to the front anyway, seeing Kanye (who I pretty much worship) for an extra $20 is like getting a free lap dance from Sofia Varga.

No Opening Acts
Unlike most rap shows that have 30 opening acts to have the main act perform at some ungodly hour, The Throne had no opening act (though they we’re an hour and a half late to start). They opened the show with “H.A.M.” and “Who Gonna Stop Me” standing on two giant LED cubes that have a bunch of fish and whales swimming around on it. They then were lowered and the lights went dark and they appeared on stage with the American flag from the Otis cover art behind them where they performed Otis and remained for the majority of the night.

Here’s a list of songs they performed to my best memory (keep in mind at this point I was high and drunk and trying not to cry).

Watch The Throne Set List
1. H.A.M.
2. Who Gonna Stop Me
3. Otis
4. Welcome to the Jungle (Probably the lowest point of the night)
5. Gotta Have It
6. Where I’m From (For some reason Jay-Z performs this over the version Dirty Money did)
7. Jigga What? Jigga Who?
8. Can’t Tell Me Nothing
9. Flashing Lights
10. All Falls Down
11. Jesus Walks
12. Diamonds From Sierra Leone (Remix) (Jay-Z returns back on stage for his part)
13. PSA
14. You Don’t Know
15. Run This Town
16. Monster
17. Power (Which turned into the Power remix with Jay-Z)
18. Murder to Excellence
19. New Day
20. Izzo (Starts of with the Jackson 5’s “ABC”)
21. Good Life (Starts of with Micheal Jackson’s (Pretty Young Thing”)
22. Empire State of Mind (Starts of with Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York”)
23. Runaway (Kanye returns standing on top of the giant cube with the auto-tune turned on)
24. Heartless
25. Stronger
26. On to the Next One
27. Dirt of Your Shoulders
28. I Just Want to Love You (Give It 2 Me)
29. That’s My Bitch
30. Good Life
31. Touch the Sky
32. All of the Lights
33. Big Pimpin (Jay-Z even raps Pimp C’s verse)
34. Gold Digger
35. 99 Problems
36. No Church in the Wild (Which starts with Louis Armstrong’s “Wonderful World”)
38. Lift Off (They just play the intro and outro and then ask everyone to “two step”)
39. Niggas in Paris (They perform this song three times and every time people go more crazy).
40. Encore

The show abruptly ends and just like that The Throne has made their mark not to mention made their money. Overall it was better than the last Jay-Z show I went to and most people didn’t even care Kanye was wearing a skirt. If you can get tickets, I highly recommend it.

Watch The Throne concert

I took some footage with my iPhone but it came out pretty shitty. But luckily here’s some great visuals from the Montreal show. Courtesy of Montreality.

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