Service: Unlimited Video Game Rentals Gamefly Review Rating: 4/5 Cost: $7.95 per month for first month/ $15.95 per month afterwards Shipping Cost: Free Late Fees: No Special Offer: Try GameFly for Free |
What is GameFly?
GameFly provides unlimited video game rentals through a mail-in service. Basically you go to their website choose which video game you want and they mail the game to you. When you are done with the game you send it back in a pre-paid postage envelope they provide. I personally love free shipping on the internet so it was a major bonus that I didn’t have to pay for a game to be shipped to me or for it to be shipped back.
Quality, Selection & Service
GameFly has a huge selection of over 8,000 titles. This pretty much makes them the “Blockbuster of Video Games”. They also have pretty fast delivery times so I wasn’t waiting too long to receive a game, though I live in a downtown area so the mail maybe faster here. I also didn’t have any trouble getting any game I wanted, though I have heard that some people have had to wait to get newer games. A good idea is to book as many games as you can well in advance so you are never waiting for games and are getting your money’s worth.
On average I would say I rented 5 to 6 games a month which if I rented from an actual store would cost almost $40 bucks a month. Game Fly charged me a flat fee of only $8.95 per month for the first month and then charged me $15.95 for each month after. I was kinda pissed about the price increase after a month, but it is still pretty cheap for renting 5 to 6 games in a month. From my math it works out to about $2.50 to $3.50 per game. Compare this to renting a game from the store where it would cost $6 to $7 bucks. This alone saved me 50% in video game rental costs!
Game Consoles Covered
Gamefly has games for every major console currently on the market including: Playstation 3 (PS3), Playstation 2 (PS2), Playstation Portable (PSP), XBox 360, Nintendo Wii, Game Cube, Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance.
Cancelling GameFly
I haven’t canceled them yet, so I can’t vouch for how they are with cancellations. But from their site they say, you can cancel at anytime and their will be no cancellation fees of any sort.
Since Gamefly has become successful, other companies such as Gamemine are throwing their hat into the gaming arena. We recently reviewed Gamemine which actually turned out to be cheaper than Gamefly, although does have its own drawbacks.
Should You Get GameFly?
I don’t want this Gamefly review to be overly positive, but if you are renting and buying games on a regular basis and you get sick of games easily, you should definitely try this out because the cost savings and gaming experience are obviously there. The average game cost between $40 and $70 to buy and after you finish it, you probably won’t play it again. By paying $8.95 for the first month and then $15.95 for each month after, in a year you pay $184.40 for unlimited video game rentals -this would be the cost to buy about 3 or 4 games. In my books this is a good deal.
Currently GameFly is offering us a free trial which I highly recommend you try as it will give you an idea of how it works. For more details on GameFly and to try out this special offer see below.