What a day in internet warfare. A day after it is revealed that Swizz Beatz is the CEO of popular file sharing site Megaupload, U.S Authorities in cooperation with New Zealand police arrested four employees residing in New Zealand as well as seized $50 million dollars in assets and shut down all of Megaupload’s domains.
U.S. prosecutors state that Megaupload has earned an estimated $175 million since it’s founding in 2005. Additionally they have issued 20 search warrants in countries around the world including: Germany, Canada, UK, US, Philippines and Hong Kong.
A few hours later, the hacking group Anonymous, the same people that took out the Playstation Network last year, decided to do some shutting down of their own, taking out the RIAA, Universal Music and the CIAA’s websites. It’s also coincidental that this would happen a day after the internet black’s out over Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) legislation. Thought authorities admit that they have been building their case for over 2 years.
As this story is developing, we’ll see what the next few day brings.