T.I.’s back and here’s his first video for this upcoming album King Uncaged. *Waits for the watered down version of “Whatever You Like”* [flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8z_5ZtPzWI /]
Here’s T.I.’s new joint since being released from the big house called “I’m Back”. As an aside, a few days ago I was at Atlantic Records website and a song/video for T.I. which I had never head before was playing. I didn’t really think anything of it, as I thought it was a song from […]
Looks like T.I. is getting out of jail three months earlier than expected. Sources from Atlantic Records have exclusively confirmed with BET.com that T.I. has been released from prison. The news comes to a surprise to the entire industry as T.I. was slated to serve at least three more months at the Arkansas Forrest City […]
Download T.I.’s “Live Your Life” ringtone featuring Rihanna and much more.
T.I.’s latest song, Whatever You Like, went from the 70th most downloaded song to the #7th downloaded song overnight. Get T.I. Whatever You Like Ringtone by going here >>
T.I.’s recent arrest for illegal gun possession of a machine gun, silencer, mack 10, and a few revolvers shows the stupidity or paranoia of some rappers. I can understand having one pistol on you when you go to the club or are in the car by yourself, or even when you do have bonded security, […]