Tag: Talib Kweli -Eardrum

REVIEW: Talib Kweli – Eardrum

Talib Kweli -Eardrum(Album Cover)

Review: 3 out of 5

Best Song: Country Cousins

Kweli’s back with Eardrum. As anyone that listens to Talib knows, listening to him is like reading a good book or just being schooled by an old head. He just packs so much insight into a verse its almost difficult to catch everything, add to that the fact his flow isn’t very well thought out and you have the recipe for classic backpack music. We all know Talib is a geek. He has no rhythm, fashion sense, no sense of humor and basically no swag. This alone is why you would either love him or hate him, but you can’t deny that the rap game needs ’em. He is the most uncompromising artist in hip hop period. This album is alot like Beautiful Struggle without all the backpack club attempts (and better beats), its just straight Talib at his finest, which is rapping about other people’s struggles. Get your own struggles Talib that’s what made your boy Kanye pop-off! Anyway here is the track breakdown.

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