Tag: Party of Five

Movie Review: Vantage Point

Movie Review Vantage Point

Review: 0 out of 5

Best Scene: Blackberry equips Sniper rifle and common room fan.

You know when you see a movie and you know within the first ten minutes if it sucks or not. Well this is one of those movies where you know you’ve been duped within the first five. For god sakes, even the trailers were bad. This movie ensemble cast stars none other than, Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, the dude from Party of Five and a Terry Bradshaw a-like. The plot line is simple, some Spanish terrorist group assassinates the president and then shows what each character saw happen. Apparently, there are 8 vantage points, but I only saw the story rewind 4 times. This movie is definitely not worth seeing as the implausibility of it all is just too much to trick even the American public. Read more