Back in 2007, we researched some of the biggest selling rappers of the time. Now in 2011, we go back to update the numbers as well as provide their selling averages (total number of sales divided by albums). Keep in mind these calculations are based on albums solely and do not consider singles. Here’s what […]
Download Nelly’s “Just a Dream” ringtone for your cellular phone.
Okay his whole house didn’t get taken, but apparently the thief made away with all Nelly’s billiards equipment. Ohhh now that’s gangster! Anyway, here’s some interview with Nelly’s pops talking about the robbery as well as footage from Nelly’s cctv.
Props to Nelly for getting diesel but is this what it’s come to? Do you really need crazy muscles to sell albums? I know it’s a crazy idea, but how about some hits? For the ladies, here’s some more Nelly for your viewing pleasure. [polldaddy poll=5621076]