Damn this is sad. [flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyoQ0OkQF2Q /]
Here’s the first single of Lupe’s Fiasco’s LASERS called “I’m Beamin” produced by The Neptunes. [flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge4BEdyZ8bM&feature=player_embedded /]
One of YoRapper fave’s, Lupe, hooks up with Kenna for their tribute to Haiti song called “Resurrection”. Lupe’s kinda pissing me off cause I know he’s retiring and all but then he keeps putting out good songs like this.
An interview with The Age, Lupe Fiasco talks about his level of success and celebrity and how he doesn’t believe success is defined by attaining “Jay-Z status”. Lupe says, “I don’t want to be Jay-Z and be worth $400 million and perform on every awards show. It’s getting in touch with somebody who needs to […]
Seeing things like this New Zealand piece on Lupe Fiasco really makes it clear how far hip hop has gone. In this clip, Mr. Fiasco says he is close to retiring and will be leaving rap to pursue the literary game -as in writing novels. We all know every rapper that claims they are retiring, […]
Peep this radio interview Lupe Fiasco did where he talks about his latest mixtape “Enemy of the State”, getting on the Twilight soundtrack and his charity work in Africa. [flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6odGV2nPw4&feature=player_embedded /]
Although Lupe Fiasco has said in the past that his third album “We Are Lasers” will be his last album, he now wants to go as far as three more albums in order to prove he’s the nicest on mic devices. Watch his brief interview with MTV. Thank God!
New spit from Fiasco called “All The Way Turnt Up”. It’s freestyle but he goes in. [audio:turnt-up.mp3]