Review: 3 out of 5
Best Song: CocaBaby
Fat Joe returns with his 8th album, Elephant in the Room, which is his second album independently distributed through Koch [sidebar: he also apparently gets $6.50 for each album sold]. We all know Fat Joe is one of the most hardbody rappers in the game, and his street cred is unquestioned in New York City. However, as a rapper I have never really felt homie do to his weak flow and lazy lyrics. I also must admit I have never listened to a Fat Joe album and only decided to give this one a shot to see what homie had to say, considering all the “hype” surrounding the man (and besides the label did hit me off with a free copy). So does Fat Joe live up to the hype and to the title of the elephant in the room? By the way, the phrase “elephant in the room” is an idiom for something which is true but goes being ignored, in this case Joey believes he is underrated amongst his peers.