Tag: Bill Clinton

Scattered Thoughts

1. I seen a dude rocking a high top fade like he was on some fly shit today. 2. Speaking of hair, doesn’t Flo-Rida’s hairline look like the Wu-Tang symbol? 3. Since when did Lloyd Bank’s dad die of a cocaine overdose? 4. What was Usher thinking? 5. If Krs-One thinks its cool for Fat […]

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Former Clinton Fundraiser Claims Clintons Stole their Money

Now I get why everyone calls them the “Shady” Clintons. This video shows how owners of Stan Lee Media (co-founded by the creator of Spiderman and X-Men) was taken for about $2 million dollars from Bill and Hillary Clinton. [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq8aopATYyw] [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMfUajhL24I]

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Barack Obama: 99 Problems But Hilary Ain’t One

Barack Obama vs. Hilary Clinton

And did you hear? Former owner of BET Bob Johnson is riding for Hilary! And not only that he is bashing Obama like a house negro. In South Carolina Johnson remarked, Read more