T.I. Owns Iggy Azalea’s Soul?

This totally explains why Iggy Azaelea made Freshman. It also proves that YoRapper is a genius and the greatest rap blogger of all time for predicting the Iggy Azaelea/Azealia Banks beef.

The more important question is which one will out minaj Nicki Minaj? And who has a better body?

T.I. also added that UK chap Chipmunk (not of the Alvin & the Chipmunk fame) to the Grand Hustle bench. T.I.’s first executive decision was to re-brand “Chipmunk” as “Chip”, as label researchers found that American’s prefer chips to chipmunks.

Has T.I. become a money hungry asshole?

Has T.I. bragging about B.o.B’s iTunes sales made you realize he’s just in it for the money and power?

Has T.I. admitted that the previous Grand Hustle roster sucked balls? B.o.B. included.

Has T.I. been coerced by Jimmy Iovine to sign quirky rappers from Australia and England?

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