Why Peedi? Why? Just because Joe Budden asked “Where’s Peedi Peedi?”. Another Def Jam rapper going at Jay only looks like jealously. And I ain’t haten here cause Peedi is the nicest rapper on Def Jam right now. But it’s dudes own fault he ain’t put nothing out. Now a days if you want to be that superstar rapper you have to have that total package and that includes handling your business which not only means having the business acumen to market your project but the charisma to make your record label’s staff want to work with you instead of work for you on some slave shit. Don’t believe me?
Look at Kanye, he has nothing to whine about but losing MTV awards and I would argue he uses that as part of his marketing plan anyway. No one made Kanye’s album for him, no one marketed Kanye’s album like he did. He’s the one who came up with the whole 50 vs Kanye album sales battle, not some suit and certainly not Jay-Z. All these dumb rappers just don’t get it. The world is changing, step your game up or get the hell out. And stop blaming Jay.