Joe Budden Pissess Everyone Off

Joe Budden Touch and Go ringtone

Please tell me this is joke? Please god, I know I really don’t believe in you and all, but how you can you do this to us? Joe Budden, Joey, if your reading this and from all your peeps hitting me off, I know you probably are. Man W-T-F is this? Have your lost your muther-funking mind? You said, “Get head till a brother need Tylenol”, WTF. And what’s with all the misogyny? Okay, now I got that off my chest, let’s put all this into context.

I love club songs. I love car music. I love dancing (that sounds kinda suspect but whatever). I loved pump it up, I wasn’t really feelen’ fire and gangster party. But again, whatever. But what you have done here is make what sounds like a watered-down version of fire, which was an already watered down song to begin with. What the funk gives?

Do you need someone to pick your beats? Because I am more than happy to take on that position. This sounds like it was made for Justin Timberlake by a dude trying to swagga jack Timbaland. And speaking of Timbaland, you should be focusing on getting the song you did with him released instead of remaking this nonsense. Listen Joe stop messing with these funking rookies, fruity loopers, reason loopers, whatever. They all sound mad amateur and are bringing your shit down. I am the first one to argue, you need a commercial hit, but this is not it. Okay more rewind…

Admittedly, I heard this song a few days ago and was so in shock, I pretended like I never heard it. I must have listened to it 20 times trying my best to like it. I finally mustered the courage to zshare it today and still feel the same way. Chipmunks on the hook? Are you serious? Is this 2001? Wait, was this song made in ’01? Don’t lieeeeeee. Okay more rewind…

Yesterday, I just finished arguing that you were the best rapper in the game now. I said, “Joe Budden is the best rapper right now, Lil Wayne is the hottest rapper right now and Jay-Z is the greatest rapper right now”. You have ruined me.

Now fast forward…

PS. Yorapper’s only 5 Star rating was for Mood Muzik 3.

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