Check this article from NY Times regarding Jay-Z’s latest album, “American Gangster”.
For Jay-Z, Inspiration Arrives in a Movie
If you haven’t heard the first single, “Blue Magic” featuring Pharrell, download it here:
Song is pretty dope, but the annoying bomb’s flex drops make it a little difficult to hear everything, I’m going to hold of judgment until I hear the full version. So far, track is Rakim inspired and Pharrel does his best 80’s sounding beat with 2007 technology. Best line: “they tryin’ bring the 80’s back, I’m cool with that, I was made from that”.
Also check out this deal for 500 free songs from Itunes (only for U.S residents). It’s good to stock up on some hard to find music, not to mention legal downloads that support the artist. Plus, Itunes makes it easier to find the damn song anyway.