The latest survey finds Barack Obama up 10% in Virgina. Yes that Virgina. And by that Virgina we mean the one home of the Confederate White House and the Museum of the Confederacy. As McCain’s Lead Among White Virginians Shrinks, So Too His Chances of Holding The State’s 13 Electoral Votes: 29 days until votes […]
Some thoughts on the vice-presidential debate. I think Biden won based on providing facts to back up his arguments. He was also very tenacious about making those arguments and never let Palin get away with anything. The only thing he could have done better is “dumb it down” as some people may not know what […]
The first debate between Obama and McCain on foreign policy. [poll id=”12″]
Saturday Nite Live taps Tina Fey’s uncanny impression of Sarah Palin for great political satire.
John McCain continues to say that the economy is fundamentally sound even though the stock market has pretty much exploded and that huge financial companies like Lehman Brothers are going bankrupt and Merrill Lynch just sold for half price to Bank of America. F**k a rap battle this is way more liver.
Apparently the folks at Declare Yourself think that it will. Jessica Alba, who I’ve wanted to bone since she was on Flipper, appears in bondage looking kinda boyish for a new ad to encourage young people to vote. I don’t know about you but if you ain’t voting in the upcoming election (and you can) […]
If your like me you probably hate it when politicians (or anyone else for that matter) completley change the subject when you ask them a question. John McCain, for example, is a master at this. He appeared on The View yesterday and was asked some really pointed questions and he would just duck the question […]