Category: Movie Stuff

Not only do we roast music, we also roast movies. Watch upcoming trailors and other movie related stuff right here.

Movie Review: The Watchmen

Words By Frederick Mobley Review: 4.5 out of 5 Favorite Scene: When Dr. Manhattan tells Adrian ” The smartest man on Earth is no more significant to me than the worlds smartest termite” Getting There Where do I start? How about hype? I first saw the preview for Watchmen when I went to see The […]

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Watch Crank 2 Trailer

[youtube:] The first Crank was hilarious, this looks like they’ve upped the ante.

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Terminator Salvation Preview

No lie. T2 is my favorite movie of all time. Thing took a really bad turn with T3. Hopefully, T4 can do something and not just be Matrix 3.

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Notorious Trailer

[youtube:] The movie Notorious is set to hit theaters Jan 17, 2009, peep out the latest trailer.

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Will Smith’s New Movie “Seven Pounds”

[youtube:] Peep the trailer for Big Willie’s new flick called “Seven Pounds”. It also stars Rosario Dawson and Woody Harrelson. If you’re wondering what this movie is about this trailer doesn’t really give away anything either that or I’m too dumb to get it. I’m thinking this is an “Oscar type” movie.

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Movie Review: The Dark Knight

Dark Knight Review

Review: 4 out of 5

Best Scene: Any scene with Joker

I finally got to see what all the hype is about and I can say with confidence The Dark Knight does live up to the hype -sorta. It’s like The Carter 3 of movies in 2008, some things are really good and some things are really cheesy. But let’s first get into the good of the movie. Read more

Movie Review: Hancock

Will Smith Hancock

Review: 3.5 out of 5

Best Scene: A man’s head goes up another man’s ass.

Will Smith returns to the box office with another July 4th blockbuster in which he plays a superhero with more than your typical superhero vices such as alcoholism, assholeness, and homelessness. The movie is pretty much about how Will copes with his super powers and eventually with the help of a public relations consultant played by Jason Bateman is able to present a more adorning figure to the public -albeit a few twist and turns along the way. Read more

Movie Review: Vantage Point

Movie Review Vantage Point

Review: 0 out of 5

Best Scene: Blackberry equips Sniper rifle and common room fan.

You know when you see a movie and you know within the first ten minutes if it sucks or not. Well this is one of those movies where you know you’ve been duped within the first five. For god sakes, even the trailers were bad. This movie ensemble cast stars none other than, Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, the dude from Party of Five and a Terry Bradshaw a-like. The plot line is simple, some Spanish terrorist group assassinates the president and then shows what each character saw happen. Apparently, there are 8 vantage points, but I only saw the story rewind 4 times. This movie is definitely not worth seeing as the implausibility of it all is just too much to trick even the American public. Read more