YoRapper.com is proud to introduce our snazzy-new-technologically-advanced-super-duper-job-board, which you can find at Jobs.YoRapper.com. Now if you don’t know what a job board or job site is then you probably don’t have a job or have never looked for a job online before. That’s fine we’re here to help.
What’s a Job Board?
A job board is a place where people looking for a job can go and search for jobs in their field of expertise (or not). They can apply online by sending their resume to an employer. If the employer likes your resume and your stars are aligned then you may get call for an interview and quite possibly a j-o-b. Simple.
How do I use YoRapper’s Job Board?
When you first visit our job site, you will notice that it is pretty bare. But no need to be scared, you need to search for a job in your area in order for job listings to come up. Duh!
Figure 1.A: “Don’t be scared”.
What do I “type” to search for a job?
Oh god. Okay. Considering you know where you live or at least know where you want to work, in the “location” field you would type either your city, state or zip code. For the distance parameter you simply select how far you want the job to be from your location. I personally like living close to my job, so I would set it to 10 or 15 miles. But it’s the recession, we can’t be too picky.
Figure 1.B: “Joblessville: A F*cked Up Place to Live”
Now the hard part…
In the filed where it says Keywords, you can either type in job title, skills or company. So if you want to work as an “accountant” just type in “accountant”. Since most people don’t have any clue what they want to be when they grow up and are unable to be a fireman of course, it’s probably a good idea to type in the name of a company you can see yourself working for and see if they are hiring. Since I am a raging alcoholic, I would love to work for Budweiser.
Figure 2.A: “YoRapper’s idea of a good job”.
Click “Search Jobs”
And now for the magic to begin. You press “search jobs” and bada bing bada boom, jobs appear in your defined area.
Figure 3.A:”YoRapper can drink beer at his job”.
So there you have it, it’s still in its infancy so treat it like a cute little baby (born by your ex whose now your baby momma). Also if you run your own business or are in charge of hiring at your company or just a big cheese you may want to tap into YoRapper’s talented gene pool of visitors by posting a job for $30 for 30 days. I know a lot of people in the music bizz check out this site so it would be kinda cool if we could get some “music related jobs” even if they are just fetching cheese cake for Diddy. Hey it’s a start.
If you have any feedback, feel free to holla at a player.