Rapper Page Claims Drake is a Snitch (Shows Proof)

Rapper Page who had a song with Drake called Still Fly released a supposed document claiming that Drake snitched on the people that robbed him last May. Here’s the police document he released via his twitter.

Drake Snitch

From looking at the document, I don’t really see it as snitching because Drake was the one being robbed at gun point. Snitching is more when someone rats you out for something that doesn’t involve you.

To add more controversy Page also claims that Drake try to get him jumped. Here are some of his related tweets.

DRAKE is a snitch ass nigga…. Him and all his boys… How u gonna rep toronto on a big scale and be a snitch at the same time???

Drake I know your starring @ this w/ a sad face & your stumach is hurting … here are the facts: http://twitpic.com/1awar8

I’m on the beach trying to enjoy myself… Then I hear drake pulled some stunts lastnight on my brother last night… That nigga is OVER

That nigga is a straight up snake… How do u go from asking my me For loans and asking me to borrow my chain… To try and get me jumped

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