So Fifty chats it up with Billboard about his collaboration with two reggaetone artists, Wisin Y Yandel and who he appears with on the cover of Billboard Magazine this month. And that’s just about where things get weird. Here’s what Fifty told Billboard:
Had you deliberately gone after the Latin market before?
I’ve had huge success in Latin markets without intentionally reaching for that audience. And I’d like to maybe remix different things with different artists, and creatively, I’d like to do more stuff with Wisin & Yandel. I think hip-hop in general has changed dramatically based on artists reaching for other people. If you look at the artists out there, I think they’re a reflection of what was rock’n’roll. In general, they’re doing a style that isn’t hip-hop. They’re doing things that aren’t traditional at all.
Is this what’s happening with your music?
What I fell in love with and inspired me to get into hip-hop is dwindling away. I’d like to be a representation of that, because there isn’t much of that left. I think people are so conscious of the numbers they’re not being creative anymore. I’ve received nothing but positive feedback on this collaboration. And it’s a surprise because it’s playing in a space where you wouldn’t traditionally hear 50 Cent. It’s exciting and it’s a whole new charge of energy for the person that is tuning in.
No I didn’t make this up. In Fifty’s first answer he basically says “I’d like to work with reggaetone artists” and then says “rap is turning into rock because artists are experimenting too much” and then in his response to the second question he says “I’d like to be a representation of real hip hop”. WTF.
And then to top it all of Fifty says, “rappers are focusing on sales too much”. Super WTF. This coming from the guy who tells everyone his album sales.
Shouldn’t whoever did this interview say, “Hey Mr. 50 Cent what you just said makes no cot damn sense”?
Ah whatever Fifty is done anyway.