Is southern ultra gangster rap the only genre where otherwise garbage rappers attain god-like status with one song? Yes. I would like to rob my local convenience store, is there music I can listen to while I do it? Yes. Gunplay just dropped a mixtape called Bogota Rich.
This totally explains why Iggy Azaelea made Freshman. It also proves that YoRapper is a genius and the greatest rap blogger of all time for predicting the Iggy Azaelea/Azealia Banks beef. The more important question is which one will out minaj Nicki Minaj? And who has a better body? T.I. also added that UK chap […]
Is this the guy that co-wrote Kreayshawn’s Gucci, Gucci? Why yes it is.
Will Kony sign to YMCMB? Will Kony sign to G.O.O.D. Music? Will Kony sign to MMG? Will Kong host a late night show on ABC?
Does this song make you feel sleepy? Does this video make you feel sorry for Hispanic people? Does this whole thing make you feel sorry for Young Jeezy?
Is Usher creating a new genre? Is Usher too mainstream to pull of Negroid Dubstream? Is this all Diplo’s fault? Is this all Kanye’s fault? Is this what Negroid Dubstream should sound like?
Is Kanye’s clothing line taking away time he could be pretending to make socially relevant music? After Pitchfork gave Kanye their virginity does he only care about post-hipster consumerism? Who is that white girl? Is she the one that asked Kanye if they could get married at the mall? Does Kanye even have time to […]