Whoo Kidd liberates an unreleased interview with Kanye West on the eve of his infamous car accident and well before he dropped his first album The College Dropout. And yes he is still cocky as ever. [flashvideo file=http://video.ak.facebook.com/video-ak-sf2p/v22831/84/47/104601742901569_7681.mp4 /]
In an effort to prove how serious he takes acting, 50 Cent will be losing up to 65 pounds for his next role about a football player suffering from cancer. The film which will be released by Fifty’s own film company will be called “Things Fall Apart”. I’m actually looking forward to this. Source
Seeing things like this New Zealand piece on Lupe Fiasco really makes it clear how far hip hop has gone. In this clip, Mr. Fiasco says he is close to retiring and will be leaving rap to pursue the literary game -as in writing novels. We all know every rapper that claims they are retiring, […]
Oh god Soulja Boy is attempting to be more lyrical. Please Lord, why do you do this to me? [flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGugv-Va-Jg&feature=player_embedded /]
Looks like someones trying hard to get in with the indie rock crowd.