So the legal experts are weighing in on rapper T.I.’s plea bargain, arguing it is not really fair for others who have committed the same crime who are spending as much as five years in jails, while little TIP does some community service.
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[youtube:] The D-the-I-the-D-the-D-the-Y…it’s Didddddddy.
**Disclaimer: If your Jamaican and you have a plaque over your bed that reads “batty man fi dead” don’t read this.
Gays are such a conundrum to the modern thinking hip hop heads like me. Even though, artists like Kanye West, Common and the Beastie Boys have denounced the use of “fag” and the anti-gay slang we use, while other artists like Fat Joe are still prone to call their enemies “homo” and put out photoshop’d dvd covers of them doing gay pr0n shots (which was suspect in itself). But even I, when I get into “beef” with someone am liable to call them such names to degrade them. I remember one time I told someone, “you make gay people look straight”. And I only say that to show I have respect for the gheys. Read more